Thursday, March 17, 2011

Walmart's rebate 10 dollar gift card

Today I was blogging and saw the deal for Walmart. If you buy 2 items on their list there's a rebate and you'll get a 10 dollar gift card back within 2 to 4 weeks. So you guys know me I still won't pay full price so I looked around to see who had the cheapest Cottonelle toilet paper as that is one of the items on the list and I needed some,lol. Farm Fresh had it for 5.99 and Walmart had it for 7.49 so I got them to price match and then I used (2) .50 cent off coupons and my grand total 11.91 after the 10.00 rebate I will have paid 1.91 for (2) 12 packs of cottonelle! Unfortunately you can only do this once but if you need toilet paper and get it for a great price now's the time to get it.

Here's the link to the rebate

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