Ok, here's one more way to get free stuff for searching the internet like you already do looking for deals. Go to swagbucks.com and you have to download they're toolbar, basically instead of using google or something like that you use swagbucks. You click the earn tab and search for bloggs, grocery deals, stores, directions,ect and you get points periodically as you search! I've been doing it for about 2 months maybe and I've got over 1,100 swagbucks. 450 will get you a 5 dollar gift card to amazon, the more points you have the more cool stuff you can get. I have even heard of one lady getting 2 bikes for free just by using her swabucks, that's my plan for Christmas, if I start now I should be able to have a good haul come Christmas. Play around with the toolbar there's a ton of different ways to ear swagbucks and it doesn't take long.
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