Monday, April 18, 2011

CVS Trip 4/17

So this week there wasn't a lot at CVS but what they did have was a good deal.  Most of you who read my blog know I'm collecting toothbrushes for a friend to take overseas and this was the week to get them.  Reach toothbrushes, floss and Listerine were 5 for 5!!!  Unfortunately my store was all out of the toothbrushes, but I got a rain check for 5, so the next time the store has them, I can get them at that price!  Ready for my trip?  Ok, my total before coupons and sales was 18.56 and after it was 3.12! And I got 4 dollars extra care bucks!  So I got paid almost a dollar to shop yesterday!  Woot woot!!  I would have bought more but my store was out of a lot of the things I wanted, but that's ok, I'll just get them later.

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