Wednesday, April 20, 2011

As most of you guys know my Wednesdays are mostly spent at the store and sometimes several stores. But today was my sweet baby girls 6th Birthday and as a wonderful mom I had to take cupcakes to her class and watch her swimming lessons at the Y so there wasn't much time to shop today so I grabbed what I could. Farm Fresh has some great deals including FREE gum! Best thing about Farm Fresh is they've started doing this buy 10 items and save 5 bucks, well if your as savy as I am you know to match your coupons up and save even more. My total before coupons and sales was 71.39 and after 29.89!

I wanted to take a sec and address the Extreme Coupon show, I keep getting stopped in the store and people asking me if I'm gonna pay 5 bucks for all this stuff. Let me answer that question, NO! lol, I wish. The people on the Extreme Couponing show number one have got to get permission to do some of the things they do on the show, like visiting a Farm Fresh with over 20 coupons, guess what, that's all they'll take. The won't let you continue to break up your order and use thousands of coupons.
Secondly, when they ring up and do their dance for saving so much, they don't say, well, to save this much I spent 70.00 bucks buying inserts. That's something most people don't take into account, I spend 8 dollars a week on newspapers, 2,500 hundred inserts, can you imagine how much she spent to get all those? Sure I make my money back but that's why I will only spend so much to get my coupons, it's a game to make money not spend it.

I hope this helps, I hate to see people upset because they didn't save like the people on the show, when they saved 60% they should be able to do their dance and not feel bad. That's great! With more experience will come more savings, it just takes time. Keep going and if you have questions just leave me a comment and I'll get back to you.

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