Thursday, June 2, 2011

Try the Bic Soleil Bella Razor for FREE through Smiley360!

This is a company I haven’t tried before, that I figure we can all try out at the same time together!
Smiley360 is a site that lets you try exclusive new products and then share the products with friends through social media sites.
They are currently looking for women to try out the new Bic Soleil Bella Razor for free! If you are selected for this offer, they will send you the Bella Razor as well as some $3 off coupons for you to share with friends.
In order to qualify for the freebie, you will need to sign up for an account with Smile360. Signing up is quick and free.
Then once you are signed up, look under the “Offers for You” tab to see if you are offered the chance to try one out. You will see the option to take a quiz to see if you qualify for a product (it is not labeled as Bic Soleil, but the questions will be about shaving). Take the quiz and they will let you know if you qualify at the end.
Hopefully we’ll all be out to try out these new razors and become more familiar with this company!

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