Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Farm Fresh shopping trip

Today was an awesome shopping trip at Farm Fresh.  The best day to go to Farm Fresh is Wednesday, Wednesday they double your coupons up to 1.00 making 1.00 off equal 2.00 off!  Today I scored a ton and wanted to share it with you.

You have to really pay attention to their adds to get the best deal.  Like today they had purchase 20 dollars worth of P&G products and you got 5 dollars off your next order, no I didn't spend 20, I gathered all my coupons up and matched enough that I just paid 8.99!  Another deal that was awesome and would explain all of the Ragu spagetti sauce,lol, was the buy 10 items and you instantly save 5 dollars!  Well, it doesn't just stop there, if you purchased 10 items it brought the price of the items down so you didn't have to buy just 10 you could buy 20 and they would all be the discounted price.  I got the Ragu for .54 cents each buy using my coupons.  You really need to be careful when you see these adds, stores know that people are trying to save money and they'll just grab the items and save their 5, not you, your going to save even more by matching your coupons with the items that are on sale.
So the grand total, which is on the receipt by the way, I thought it was cute,lol, was 105.98 and after sales and coupons I paid 47.08!  In this purchase was 9 jars of Ragu sauce,lol,  6 bottles of salade dressing, which were free by the way, 4 things of degree deodorant, 4 things of suave shampoo and conditioner, 4 bags of Knorr rice and a few other things.  Wanna shop like this?  Leave a comment with your e-mail address and I'll be sure to put you on my mailing list!
I don't wanna toot my own horn but I plan on however many bags I bring into my house, I need to give that many away.  It's not right to keep all of this stuff to ourselves as many do.  It's a simple thing to give someone a bag of groceries but it's a big thing to the person receiving it, so if you have a stock pile share it.  You'll be glad that you did, to whom much is given much is required, it's true, if God has blessed you, you should share your blessings because why should He keep blessing you if your going to be selfish?

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