I've made a couple of quilts for friends and have been asked by many how I did it and I must confess that I figured this out by just looking at a quilt online, just another talent that God has given me, with out him I wouldn't be able to bless those I have with these quilts.
This is a version of the quilt I am making but will give you an idea of what it might look like when it's done. Today we will concentrate on the blocks and then later everything else,lol.
Supply list: Varies by size of the quilt
1 Half yard for inside block A (Animal pattern)
1 Half yard of corresponding fabric to fabric A
1 Half yard for inside block B (Animal pattern)
1 Half yard of corresponding fabric to fabric B
1 Yard of Fabric for lines connecting blocks and trim and binding
1 Yard of backround fabric, I used white.
1 Yard of more of muslin for backing dependent on how big your quilt is.
First things first:
Make as many 4 1/2x4 1/2's with fabric A as you want, you can make this quilt as big or as small as you would like.
Then take the corresponding fabric and make 1 1/2 inch strips.
Now your going to sew the 1/2 inch strips to the top and bottom of the 4 1/2 in block, you can save more fabric by doing a running line, place your 1/2 strip to your sewing machine and sew on your 4 1/2 inch block then instead of cutting there, place the next block very closely to the last and sew, hopefully you can see it in the picture.
Then when you've sewn as many together as you can, place the line of blocks on your cutting mat and cut the blocks apart.
When your done doing this, start on the opposite side of the block so that there is a blue strip on the top and bottom of the block.
Now take your 1/2 inch strip and sew it on the side. Make sure that while you sew you also put the seams facing one way and stick to that pattern, I ironed them to go out so when I hand sewed the quilt I had a line to follow from the seams.
And repeat. Lastly, Take your blocks and square them. You basically put the squares on the lines and make sure everything is straight and if not cut off the access fabric, if you skip this step your quilt might not be even or not matchup when you ad more fabric to the pattern. As you can see in the picture I had a bit I had to cut off, make sure you check all sides and all blocks.
And there you have it, your first block, now do this with fabric B and corresponding fabric. I'm going to stop here because that will take a while to do all by it's self, again you can make this quilt as big or as small as you would like, the bigger the quilt the more blocks you will need to make.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Farm Fresh trip 6/6
Hey guys, went to Farm Fresh for their deals this week and made out!
Total the groceries came to 37.79 and after coupons doubling today 6.19! With the kids being out of school soon I had to stock up on cereal so this might keep us stocked for a little while,lol. The splits yogurts were on sale for 1.99 and because they were gonna expire soon there was a dollar off coupon on it so they only cost a dollar and they can be frozen before they expire, yes you can freeze yogurt to help it last longer. I also got a rain check a few weeks ago for the mission taco shells, they were B1G1 free and with using 2 dollar off coupons it made them free! Yes, you can use 2 coupons when buying items that are B1G1 free. Woot woot! Also the salad dressing was 10 for 10 and after a 1 dollar off 2 and it doubling they were free! Also another good tip is sometimes Farm Fresh gives you coupons for buying certain products like a dollar coupon when you buy 2 of something. Last week they had this promotion and using them on a Wednesday they doubled so I got 2 dollars off paying for other groceries I didn't have coupons for, like the fruity cereal for my hubby. If you've got any questions, post a comment and I'll get back to you.
Total the groceries came to 37.79 and after coupons doubling today 6.19! With the kids being out of school soon I had to stock up on cereal so this might keep us stocked for a little while,lol. The splits yogurts were on sale for 1.99 and because they were gonna expire soon there was a dollar off coupon on it so they only cost a dollar and they can be frozen before they expire, yes you can freeze yogurt to help it last longer. I also got a rain check a few weeks ago for the mission taco shells, they were B1G1 free and with using 2 dollar off coupons it made them free! Yes, you can use 2 coupons when buying items that are B1G1 free. Woot woot! Also the salad dressing was 10 for 10 and after a 1 dollar off 2 and it doubling they were free! Also another good tip is sometimes Farm Fresh gives you coupons for buying certain products like a dollar coupon when you buy 2 of something. Last week they had this promotion and using them on a Wednesday they doubled so I got 2 dollars off paying for other groceries I didn't have coupons for, like the fruity cereal for my hubby. If you've got any questions, post a comment and I'll get back to you.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Youth Lock in pics
This was our scavenger hunt, we made items for what we've been learning about, What did the spies that went to Canaan bring back? Yeah those grapes aren't quite the same size,lol.
All you can eat quail, till it comes out your nose,lol.
Curtains for the tabernacle! I'm pretty sure they weren't pink,lol.
Our Nephilim for tonight,lol.
Getting water from this rock? Yeah that's not enough for all of us,lol.
Showbread table.
Is anyone sucking your spiritual growth?
Captain America came!!!
So we thought we'd made a picture booth.
My turn.
He also plays checkers!
All you can eat quail, till it comes out your nose,lol.
Curtains for the tabernacle! I'm pretty sure they weren't pink,lol.
Our Nephilim for tonight,lol.
Getting water from this rock? Yeah that's not enough for all of us,lol.
Showbread table.
Is anyone sucking your spiritual growth?
Captain America came!!!
So we thought we'd made a picture booth.
My turn.
He also plays checkers!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
God's Miracle
I'm taking a break today to stop and see God's miracles, today I was blessed to see such a miracle come into the world and wanted to share pictures and thoughts.
"Mrs. Faith, you and that camera" -Jezreel
I like my fingers cause mommy won't feed me.
It's our baby sister!!!!
It was so precious watching them peak to see their baby sister.
Now my turn!!!
Jeremiah acted like he didn't want to but we could all see it in his face that he couldn't wait to hold her but was just being shy.
Big brother James finally getting his turn.
"Mrs. Faith, you and that camera" -Jezreel
I like my fingers cause mommy won't feed me.
It's our baby sister!!!!
It was so precious watching them peak to see their baby sister.
Now my turn!!!
Jeremiah acted like he didn't want to but we could all see it in his face that he couldn't wait to hold her but was just being shy.
It was such an awesome day of experience and as I think about God's blessings, I look at the pictures of these children and thank God for his mercy as he brought each and every one of them into this world safely and as He planned.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Farm Fresh trip
Hey guys, went to Farm Fresh this morning and got a great haul and wanted to share. First of all Farm Fresh had a deal going on that when you bought 2 things of KC Masterpiece you got 1 dollar back and they were 1 dollar each. When you combine that with the 1.00 off 2, it makes these free and you get a dollar back! Gotta give a woot woot for making money at the grocery store! Ok, my grand total was 35.83 and after coupons it was 12.44 AND I walked out of the store with 5 dollars in Catalina's that I can use as cash to buy anything else I want. I only have 3 in the picture cause I found the other 2 later,lol. So it's like I actually spent 7.44 for all that!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Farm Fresh deals 5/20
It's back!!!! Farm Fresh is having their Super Doubles this week and I did something I normally don't ever do, I made money this morning! My first order cost 11 and then I made my next order and after coupons it said -1.02! Can I get a woot woot? The soda was free with a dollar off coupon and the Lysol cleaner was on sale for 2 for 5 but after a dollar off coupon from Dollar General it was .50 cents! No it wasn't a Dollar General store coupon it was a peelie I got from there, awesome! You never know the coupons you'll find when you look around! My total was 70.90 and after coupons and money made I spent 10.87 out of pocket!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Farm Fresh deals 4/18
This is all the great stuff I got! The Picture above is my first trip on Wednesday totals before coupons and sales are 50.63 and after my total was 6.67 !!!!!!! One thing that really helped me stocked up was I found a coupon in the cracker isle that was 2.00 off when you buy both Belvita breakfast bars and 1 package of Gevalia coffee. I matched that coupon with the 1.00 off Belvita coupon from coupons.com, also the Gevalia was buy 2 get 1 free, so I got 2 things of Belvita and 3 packs of Gevalia coffee for 10 bucks! I also had gotten some coupons the prior week for 4 dollars off so basically everything else ended up being free,lol.
Then I hit Farm Fresh again on Thursday,lol and got this great haul. The total for this order was 50.05 and after coupons I paid 11.91. A great item to grab this weekend is the Glade expressions starter kit and refill, try this deal, this weekend there should be a 1.50 off Glade expression starter kit and match that with the B1G1 free coupon from coupons.com and get both the starter kit and the refill for 1.29!!!! That's what I did but I bought my coupons on ebay so I knew I would have them for this week. Bayer is also giving out a 2 dollar off coupon on their site and at Farm Fresh it will be free! Advent put out a coupon awhile ago and I got the pacifier and bottle for free!!! I love free stuff. If you would like for me to text you the deals I find every week, let me know.
Then I hit Farm Fresh again on Thursday,lol and got this great haul. The total for this order was 50.05 and after coupons I paid 11.91. A great item to grab this weekend is the Glade expressions starter kit and refill, try this deal, this weekend there should be a 1.50 off Glade expression starter kit and match that with the B1G1 free coupon from coupons.com and get both the starter kit and the refill for 1.29!!!! That's what I did but I bought my coupons on ebay so I knew I would have them for this week. Bayer is also giving out a 2 dollar off coupon on their site and at Farm Fresh it will be free! Advent put out a coupon awhile ago and I got the pacifier and bottle for free!!! I love free stuff. If you would like for me to text you the deals I find every week, let me know.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Farm Fresh matchups 4/11
I love days like today at Farm Fresh, today because of some of the awesome printable coupons from coupons.com you could get a lot free. First off was the Gold tea, it was free!!! Then you had the ScotchBrite wipes, there was a B1G1 free coupon and then if you went to their site you could get a dollar off coupon and because today they double it made it .99 for 2! Who could use these things! Anyway all together my total was 80.05 and after coupons, sales and money back catalina's I paid out of pocket 17.52! WOOT WOOT! And to make it even more awesome, there's a 3.00 rebate for the Lysol soap making me money!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
CVS trip 3/21
So me and my dad were in VA today and stopped by a CVS, he tried the new Hydro Razor and liked it a lot so we went to buy another one. I scanned my card and I had 5.00 ECB (Extra Care Bucks) waiting for me so for a 9.99 Razor with coupon we paid .40! That's not the best deal, we got 4.00 ECB back! We made 3.60 buying it! Dad was very proud with his first couponing experience.
Harris Teeter trip 3/21
Here's my hall from Harris Teeter today. Went to Harris Teeter to get some deals and here's what I got. 4 boxes of baby wet wipes, 2 things of Glade carpet freshner, 2 things of Renuzit, 1 Blistex, 3 packs of Ivory soap, 2 things of Taster's choice, 3 Scott Naturals wipes, French's dipping sauce, 2 bags of chip and a thing of butter not pictured here because I forgot it in my freezer bag,lol, it was my only cold item. Total before coupons was 52.20 and after all my coupons and a 10 of 50 coupon from Recycle.com I paid 7.20! Woot Woot!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
CVS deals 3/11
So I splurged a little today when I went to CVS because my family and other friends love the Glade Sense and Sprays and I try and keep them in stock and mine was low,lol. Total for these items was 76.60 and I paid 16.60! It's a little more than I would have liked to spend but I did walk away with 6 bucks in Extra Care Bucks and the proglide razor was free!!!! They had a certain kind on sale for 3.89 and I had a 5.00 off coupon making it free, didn't get the extra taken off my total but that's fine, I got a free razor!
Walgreens deals 3/11
So this week when I went to my local Walgreens they were out of a lot of stuff but I got a few things and made money! I love when I do that. Everything here cost 33.50 after coupons and using some register rewards (RR) I spent 1.12 out of pocket, woot woot!!!!! Then I left with 8 bucks in RR!!!!!! When you buy 4 things of Right Guard you get 4 bucks in RR! So I made 6.88 and got all this, woot woot!
Farm Fresh Super doubles 3/11
So I just love it when Farm Fresh has super doubles, not the getting up at the crack of dawn but the deals! This week if you have any 2 dollar off coupons they are doubled to take 4 dollars off an item, so here's what I got!
I got all of the toothpaste free, it was 10 for 10 and I had a dollar off coupon. Must have the new Glade expression sprays, they are the best. The spray sticks around for awhile and it smells good, it's a great quality item got them for a little over a dollar. So what's the grand total? All together everything cost 70.62 after coupons I paid 22.02, that's 70 percent savings! Now I have done better but I'd say this is a good hall.
I got all of the toothpaste free, it was 10 for 10 and I had a dollar off coupon. Must have the new Glade expression sprays, they are the best. The spray sticks around for awhile and it smells good, it's a great quality item got them for a little over a dollar. So what's the grand total? All together everything cost 70.62 after coupons I paid 22.02, that's 70 percent savings! Now I have done better but I'd say this is a good hall.
My new quilt and yes I used coupons!
Haven't written in a while because I've been super busy making this quilt,lol. Yes you can save when doing the hobby you love. This past week Joann Fabrics had a coupon week, so I stocked up for this quilt. I'm not sure about how much I spent because I got half from there and half from a Walmart in VA. Yes, there are still Walmarts that have fabric or are bringing it back, more savings there!
Friday, January 6, 2012
Couponing lesson 2
Then pay attention to their ad's. Make sure that you can use your coupons and how to use your coupons. Once you get it down start shopping!! You need to know their coupon policy as well as their store sales, do they double coupon? Do you get Register rewards? The more you know the better your shopping trips will be.
I'm going to use Walgreens as an example cause I love them,lol. Walgreens gives what's called a Register Reward. When you purchase an item and yes you can use a coupon on that item, you get a register reward, it's like getting cash back for your next trip, it's kind of like getting free money! When you get this down you can really start the savings. When you make your first transaction and you get a register reward, we'll call it RR, you can then make another transaction and use the RR, but DO NOT buy the same thing back to back, it won't print the next RR. Example, Gillette Razor 9.99 and you get a 4 dollar RR, you pay for the razor and then you've picked up an Airwick I Motion for 7.99, you can then use the 4 dollar RR you get from the razor making your item only 3.99. You can do this as many times as the cashier and the people behind you will let you,lol. Be kind and get back in line, that's my saying. Sometimes I'll make 2 transactions and then get back in line and let others go and then do this again. It really depends on how much time you have and how many people are in the store. I know this seems like a lot of work but if I can walk away with a ton of stuff and only pay like 5 bucks it's worth the wait.
So take these tips and start shopping. If you have any questions leave me a comment or if you have an awesome shopping trip you wanna share e-mail me a picture and I'll post it here.
Starting to coupon lesson 1
Personally I really like my binder, I got those baseball card holders and then don't laugh, I organized by section, there's a shampoo page, razor page, cereal page and on and on it goes. Make sure though that you keep like all the health and beauty items together and the pantry items together and ect. It makes it really easy to get what you need quickly at the store and you don't have to flip all the way through your binder to find the coupon your looking for.
Next step, don't get overwhelmed. I know it can seem like a lot but once you get into the swing of things it will come like second nature to you.
Also don't forget to clean it out, normally Proctor and Gamble coupons only last a month, so make a note that when you get these you'll be cleaning out what you don't use at the end of the month. Other coupons tend to end around the same time too but some have their own odd dates sometimes.
Here's another good way to get coupons, go to your cubbards and look at the items you already buy, note the companies you buy from. Then go to your computer and look up the companies website and contact them, companies love nothing more than praise and in return they'll send you coupons or samples. I don't know about you but when I was a kid I loved getting mail and as an adult it's not so much fun when the mail is bills,lol. But now I look forward to my coupons and samples, just about every day I get something new!
So that's it for now, get started there, if you have any questions just post a comment below, good luck!
Repost: E-mail Companies???
E-mail companies?
I've said in my video's to e-mail companies but I've never showed you what you can get. Today I had a ton of coupons from different companies because I took a couple of days and e-mailed different companies and told them how much I love they're product and in return, they send me coupons!!! Most coupons companies send have a longer life than the coupons you get from the paper, it's totally worth it, take a few and think of stuff you buy and e-mail the company and tell them how much you love they're product and they send you coupons that sometimes don't have limits on size or price, I love those.
Another repost: Where do I shop?
Where do I shop???
CVS is another great place to shop and they have kind of the same thing with something that sometimes can be great and not so great. CVS has an Extra care bucks card that allows you to scan your card as you walk into the store and will sometimes print out great coupons for you to use while your there. Also the Extra Card also keeps up with what you buy if there have a deal going on and you need to buy so many to get the deal, they keep track of it on there. Unfortunately along with these great incentives comes the not so good stuff. With the Extra care card you are limited on how many sale items you can get each week. Example: Gain dish washing liquid .99 limit 3. This is not like Walgreens or other stores where you can buy 3 and then go out and then come back in and get 3 more. To get the deal you've gotta have the card and they keep track of how much you have already purchased. Still a great store, they also have extra bucks which again is like having store cash. Again for the most part you can use this on just about anything. CVS is a great store to shop at as well, I just prefer Walgreens.
Now, Why? Well unlike regular stores Walgreens almost always has a way that you can get your items for free or very close to it. Like the glucose monitor I mentioned earlier, it's like your getting it for free, you get the 10.00 back at the end of the transaction that you can use on other items. Again there's another stipulation but all of this will come naturally to you once you get going. Say you bought the monitor and you wanted to buy another one, Can I just use the RR to buy it? Nope. Why not? Walgreens came up with a great way to protect themselves from going bankrupt because of us couponers,lol. If you were to buy the second monitor with the 10.00 RR another 10.00 RR would not print out. This is how I roll my RR.
Buy the monitor for 10.00 and then use the 10.00RR on other items you may need, possibly buy more items that will also print out a RR. Example: I have my monitor and the 10.00 RR, I go back through the store and I pick up one razor 9.99 and I get a 5.00 RR after I purchase it, of course I have a coupon, who's gonna pay full price? So I use my 4.00 coupon along with the razor bringing my total to 5.99, now I need another item to take up the rest of the ten, what do I do? DO NOT buy anther razor, why? If you purchase 2 of the same thing in the same transaction the register will print out a RR for only one item, another safety net for Walgreens. So I'll pick up a pack of toilet paper, because who ever has enough toilet paper? So I go to check out and lets say I don't have a coupon for the toilet paper (but in real life this would NEVER happen,lol) with the 2 items my total reaches 10.98, I give the cashier my RR and razor coupon then I pay the tax. When I'm handed my receipt I'll get a 5.00 RR that I can use on another item, do not use it to buy the same thing back to back, the RR will not print out. I learned this the hard way and when your just getting started I would for the sake of your wallet, take your items out of the store and then go back in and roll your RR. When you get the hang of it you can grab all of your items and then just make different transactions. But please be considerate of the people behind you. I saw a T-shirt one time that I have yet to get and would love to have but it said, "If she's got a coupon binder don't get behind her". We need to be respectful of the people behind us and not make people think that coupon people are aggravating. Because we're not, crazy maybe, but not rude. That's pretty much Walgreens in a nut shell and CVS is very similar.
If you have any questions, please place a comment here and I'll get back to you as soon as I can, thanks for reading :-)
Old post but a great refresher, how do I make my coupon binder?
How do I make a coupon Binder?
Now is the perfect time to start a binder, schools in session and binders are on sale!!! I'd recommend getting getting a binder that has a zipper around the outside, the other will work but your more likely to drop coupons out of it. Along with the coupon binder you get all kinds of great spaces to put your necessary items like, a pen, I always seem to need one to redo my math if I find another deal I wasn't expecting,lol, a calculator, I don't know about you guys but I didn't do very well in math and can not do it in my head so having a calculator of some type is needed your going to be doing a lot of it,lol.
Also handy for your binder is a divider system, it helps to have all of your food items and hygenic items separated so you can easily find them. Again now's a great time to grab these, Walgreens had them for .40 cents this week, look for a deal like that and stock up. How do I divide it up? Welp, this can get really technical or really simple it just depends on how organized you would like to be. I refrained from posting a picture of mine because I didn't wanna scare you into not making one,lol, as I have broken everything down into several categories. To start I would get a general list of sections, Baby (if you need it) Dairy, Household(cleaners, Lysol,ect) Hygienic, Pet, Produce, Pantry and Store coupons (Coupons from Walgreens(RR), CVS,ect). This would be good to start out with.
Now you wanna see mine? Hehe, you would be here all night reading, but I have it broken down like this in my hygenic section, Bodywash, Deodorant, Hair Care,ect. Then in the Pantry section, Bread, Cereal, Chocolate,lol, ect. I break it down like this because when I'm looking for my coupons I want to find them fast and know where they are, plus I'm a organizing freak,lol. Figure out what works best for you and go from there.
Next topic, Can I take it into the store? Of course you can!!! I went to the store with my husband for the first time so he could see me in action,lol and as I was getting out of the car he said, "are you really gonna take that big thing in there?" A lot of people are afraid of embarrassed to take in their coupon binder, I've just gotten used to it, especially after not having and finding deals and not being able to get them, that's a pet peev of mine. I make my list of what I'm going to buy but I always take my binder with me, chances are there's a deal that wasn't listed and if I have my coupon binder with me I'll snag it! Always check the clearance isle, there's almost always something on sale that you can use a coupon with and get for cheap or free!!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Lemon Head
Check this out, Lemon head is giving away chances for winning Amazon gift cards!!!!

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