Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hey guys, I know it's been a while but I just wanted to take a sec to go over couponing basics 101.  Most peoples first question is where do I get my coupons?  The first place is of course the newspaper, check and you'll see which coupon inserts will be in the newspaper from week to week and what coupons will be in them.
Next is online, try, there you can print up to 2 of the coupons offered per computer you own.  It doesn't matter if you only have one printer, just hook up your other computers to it and it will print 2 more out.

Another good resource is ebay, buy coupons? Yes, but you want to save money not spend more.  So when looking for coupons figure out how much the coupons will actually "save" you in the long run.  Example: I bought 20 Dorito coupons for 20 free bags of doritos.  I paid 20, making them 1.00 a bag, well everybody knows how much I love to stretch my dollar so I wait till the store has a buy 1 get 1 free (B1G1=buy one get one free, you'll see this a lot on my blog.) Then it's like paying .50 cents a bag, much better than 3.49 a bag.  It's coupons like that, that you want to purchase, coupons that will save you money.  Look for items you and your family enjoy and that way you can continue to buy the things you love but save money on them using coupons.
Which brings me to my next topic, Do I have to change my shopping habits? Yes, buying once a month or buying all at one time your not putting your coupons to their best potential.  Coupon takes a little effort but gives great benefits.  I shop every week now, every wednesday to maximize my coupons potential I go to my local grocery store that doubles coupons.
Why do you buy so much and stock up?  I'm not suggesting the first thing you do is go out and get 10 newspapers a week and get everything you possibly can,lol.  Start with 1 or 2 and when you get yourself comfortable with couponing you can get more with more coupons.  Why buy so much?  If there's a good price on an item, say free, that's the time when you buy what you can so that the rest of the month if you need the item and then it's not on sale you have to pay full price.  So I buy extra so I never have to pay full price the rest of the month.

Again here's another topic, How many newspapers should I buy?  To start, I'd get 2, after your comfortable it's really up to you.  If you have a big family or want to help other I would start buying more.  I buy 8 newspapers a week but I feed not just my family but for others as well and 8 of each coupon allows me the opportunity to buy what I need for everybody.  Should I get a subscription?  This is a yes and no question,lol, with all the coupon crazy I've had problems in my little town with newspapers not having the coupon inserts so I contacted my local newspaper and they assured me that if I got a subscription that I would get my inserts.  Unfortunately a friend of mine got this subscription and again got the newspaper with out the inserts.  So it's up to you, you may save more getting just the sunday newspaper subscription taking the chance you may not even get the inserts your paying for and ending up with a headache.  Sorry there's no great answer there.  But an option is ebay, I recently started buying my inserts there because of this problem, if I time it just right I can get them at a really great price.  Most ebayer's will sell 5 copies of each insert for about 5 dollars, after sunday the price goes down, I'll buy a set of each (Proctor and Gamble, Red Plum and Smartsource) when they are available.  All three do not come in the newspaper every week, Protector and Gamble comes once a month and Red plum and smartsource switch off, all this will be on the coupon preview, if you sign up they'll send you an e-mail alerts and they tell you which coupon inserts will be in the newspaper that week.  Also, coupon inserts vary from location to location, so we here in NC may not get the awesome coupons they have in FL.  Sometimes the opposite.
I know that was a lot to take in right now so I'll end here but soon I'll post some more for my newby's.

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