Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Buying in bulk?

Buying in bulk Verses buying more of smaller size items.  My dad got us a big box store club card a few years ago and we would walk out having spent 100.00 bucks and like 5 things.  It was kind of depressing.  I like having my cart full and paying as little as possible, so how do I do that?  Here's a great example: Cascade 26 count roughly 6.97, in a newspaper a few weeks ago there was a coupon for 1.00 off any cascade item.  So I went to Walmart and the have the value packs of 3 for .97 with my 1.00 off coupon I got all 3 free.  So when I found this deal I went to ebay and paid 2.00 for 20, 1.00 off coupons, giving me 60 packets of Cascade for 2.00 plus the tax I paid on each one.  I got 3 times the packets for 3 times less the price. It seems like a pain to buy in such small amounts but the money you save will totally be worth it.
Shampoo is another great example, Big box stores give you 2 huge things of shampoo for 10 bucks, while instead you can coupon and get 4 things of shampoo for 2 dollars and get the same amount of shampoo.  Just this week my doubling store had Garnier Frutis on sale for 2.50, doubling my coupons I paid .50 for a name brand shampoo!  It's just something to ponder, again it's a little work, but when you get great at this it will come really easy.

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