Monday, October 17, 2011

Free Stuff at Walmart

So Walmart is not my favorite store, I inevitability end up spending too much money and walk out frustrated but a trip to Walmart can be pleasant if you plan your trips just right.  First, make a list and stick to it, only get what you came for and you'll save a ton.  Sound hard?  It is at first but once you discipline yourself it will become very easy.  Secondly check this blog, lol, I'll be posting all the freebies I see there.

First freebie is Covergirl, a few weeks ago a coupon came out that gave you 8 bucks off 2 covergirl products, now normally I wouldn't get too excited about this as these items end up being pretty expensive but hang on to the coupons you think you my never use, they may end up to getting you some free stuff.  At Walmart if you purchased 2 things of eye shadow and use that coupon it makes it free!!!! These are the items you wanna look for, if you get a high volume coupon go to the item section and look for the most inexpensive thing to get the items free.

Also a couple of weeks ago there was another 2 dollar off schick coupon, it was on any pack of disposable razors.  There was a pack of 12 schick disposable razors for 1.97 making them free!!!  These are great items to donate to your local shelter or use for your family.

Don't have a dog?  Well you don't need to have a dog to get this deal and be a blessing.  There's a 4 dollar coupon for Purina beyond dog food, if you check your dog food isle there will be a smaller bag of Purina for 2.97 helping you make money and get free dog food!!!!!

When you get your coupon inserts on Sunday, cut out EVERYTHING, even if you don't use the items you can get for free you could donate them or make money by buying them.  Also, have you tried doing any rebates lately?  Some websites will promote their product by offering a rebate form which will make your product free.  I do this a lot lately, I can buy an item say 10.00 bucks and have a 5 dollar coupon and only pay out of pocket 5 dollars but the rebate is for 10, so when I send in the rebate I'll make 5 dollars!  Give it a try. 

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