Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Walgreens trip 5/1

Some of ya'll are gonna laugh but this week I got up at the crack of dawn and got ready for church and went early and stopped at Walgreens,lol.  I know so shameful,lol.  But I'm glad I did because there were some items they were almost out of and if I hadn't gone I would have missed out on and would have had to get a raincheck on.  I know most of you are wondering why on earth I buy so many Lysol wipes,lol, I buy them for my daughters teacher, they use them at school and if it will help my baby stay well I'll buy them for free!
My total was 30.72 and after coupons and sales I paid 9.00 !!!!!  The reeses was a filler item for those of you who wanted to know,lol.

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