Tuesday, May 3, 2011

CVS trip 5/2

Ok, so this week I went to the CVS out at the beach and I was finally able to get the Dove deodorant deal, remember last week when it was .99?  Well, I got a raincheck and was able to get them at .99 cents, unfortunately most of my coupons had expired but I think I still did ok. 

Total was 32.40 and I paid 5.60!!!  I know, it's awesome.  But this is the reason to make sure you get rainchecks if your store doesn't have an item that was on sale that you have coupons for or when it's a really good deal.  Not just at CVS but anywhere that you shop, don't be timid about asking, they don't have what you want and you should be able to get it.

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